Celebrating Pumpkin Season

At Elimento, we are split 50/50 about the pumpkin. Some love it (especially in the pie form), others - like the writer of this blog - still can't bring themselves to taste it. There is, however, no doubt about the health benefits of the pumpkin - be it the bright orange meat or the seeds.

Pumpkin pulp, just like carrots, is rich in beta-carotene which is a powerful antioxidant and gets transformed by the body into vitamin A. It's also rich in potassium that helps regulate blood pressure. It's also naturally low and sugar yet adds some nice sweetness and plenty of fibres to your meals. Be sure to go for the fresh pulp and not the canned purees as they may have unnecessary additives and preservatives.
What's our favourite pumpkin recipe? We won't lie, we didn't invent it. Click here for an amazing body-and-soul warming recipe of roasted pumpkin soup with harissa and crisp chickpeas by Yotam Ottolenghi.

Photo courtesy of the theguardian.com
There's even more goodness in the pumpkin seeds. Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Omega-6 fats, you name it! What about all the fat, you ask? Well, it's ALL GOOD for you. Another advantage is, while pumpkins aren't accessible year round, the seeds are easily stored and available.

Now, the pumpkin-loving part of Elimento has decided to make life easier for all of you and presents here the many ways of incorporating this goodness into your diet.

Excited? Browse here our organic pumpkin seeds, organic pumpkin seed oil, and stay healthy this fall!